Sunday 3 February 2008

Advice....probably to myself

At some time in our lives we do find ourselves in some sort of a hole,. We ask ourselves why? We ponder that everything was right a moment ago, we did our ‘jobs’ perfectly…so what happened suddenly? Now I ask you what your job was..?? Did you do what you liked the most. or what you wanted to do all the time..what your heart’s wish was..??
Or did you simply do what someone had told you when you were vulnerable, what society required of you..? or what you required of society to earn money so that you have money to bear yourself. Some imposed careers. Just be frank and clear to yourself …what got you to do what you were doing. Was it you or your fears? You chose a path simply because it was the predictable one. You ignored what was inside you , what you could automatically do because you were not certain that it could support you..or you were wary that it would require more struggle. In order to have an easy life you gave up a more worthy option, a happy life. You will realize all this sooner or later when you get yourself in that hole. When you understand the road you took was not for you it will be too late. why are you afraid to listen to your heart.? What bothers you the most.? The fear of unknown …..
Well being brave is not about not fearing at all, its about remembering about more important things than fear, its about facing the fear for your own sake. We have been given only one chance called life we got to enjoy it. We enjoy it by doing what automatically comes to us, the things most natural to us, what our mind is most relaxed and comfortable in doing. We take the path that we like, not bothering about consequences beforehand but facing them as they come. Believe that if you are true to yourself ,the problems will take care of themselves. Even if you have to struggle, let it be fun. Don’t ever do anything that you are not satisfied with, its not your job. Listen to your own voice, give yourself a chance, the end does not matter, the road itself is the life. Just see you don’t regret at any point, take care you don’t have to cry over spilt milk. Believe in yourself and not in the damn rules of society. I don’t know if I made myself clear, but try to be genuine and true in whatever you do. Just feel right , feel good , feel yourself. Help yourself. Best of luck..!1

1 comment:

illusionary said...

None of us can actually make a choice.....independently that is....whatever choices we make have years of conditioning behind it....what's right...what's wrong....that's what society does to us...But you still make those choices...because, you wanna live in a community, those choices are important....

But the crux is, not letting society rob you of your identity...