Thursday, 17 April 2008


This dark young fellow with low confidence
Is a professor here with unfortunate co incidence
He tries to be smart desperately
But to none s surprise fails miserably.
Even his colleagues hold him in contempt
His words to them seems tools of torment
We are disgusted by him to say the least
He is really a sort of idiotic beast
He talks with his eyes searching the ground
And mumbles nonsense and moves around
He speaks in a language unknown to us
Though we decide to ignore and avoid any fuss
He leaves the board dirty and untidy
At the end of his class we are really free.
Blessed are those who are sent out of his class
For being late or ‘disturbing’ the mass
His stupid intellect used to entertain us before
Now he has reduced to a big time bore.
He loves to give poor marks
Because he got those in his days
Please don’t mind or follow whatever he says.
His knowledge is limited so is his vocabulary
I am in his class Oh I am really sorry
How are the two more years going to go
With him around I don’t know
He is fondly and dearly called Ponga
The thing he best fits in is a tribal tonga.